
ASCE VA Section Scholarship
Blue Ridge Branch is hosting Elections
2022 VA Section Infrastructure Report Card
4th Annual Meet and Greet
2023 Thompson Award Winners

100 Years – 100 Members

The Centennial Celebration Committee would like to end our Centennial Year by adding 100 new Virginia Section members. So, we are challenging each Virginia Section ASCE Member to find a non-member Civil Engineer and to respectfully engage them in conversation about joining. More details on the benefits of joining ASCE and the activities of the Virginia Section can be found here: https://ascevirginia.org/100-years-100-members/

The Virginia Section is Looking for Historical Documents

As part of the ASCE Virginia Section’s Centennial Celebration, the Virginia Section is looking for historical documents over the past 100 years. We accepting donations of documents/texts/resources/photos if the donor requests, but we could also accept digital versions (or digitize and then return documents) for upload to the ASCE Collaborate site.

In order to obtain materials for the potential brick-and-mortar library resources, we are coordinating with VMI to archive these documents. If you have any information that you would like to donate or feel is significant, contact Chaz Weaver at Chaz.Weaver@VDOT.Virginia.gov

ASCE VA Section 2022 Taxes

The 2022 Tax returns have been filed for the ASCE Virginia Section. If you would like to review, please contact Mike Bumbaco at msb23454@aol.com.