April 2023 – Kevin Marc Siegel, PE, M. ASCE

Kevin serves as Vice President and Operations Manager for the Hampton Roads operation of ATCS, PLC. In this role he oversees the engineering, surveying, construction services, and environmental services, as well as delivering projects to his clients. He has been involved with ASCE for over 20 years, serving in an officer role for the Peninsula Branch since 2007. He obtained both his B.S. and M.S. in Civil Engineering (with a concentration in transportation) from VA Tech. He has spent his 20+ year career providing a variety of civil engineering consulting services to clients throughout the region – including Federal, state, local, and private entities.
Having been born and raised in Loudoun County, becoming a Hokie during his college years, beginning the early part of his career in Northern Virginia, and transplanting to Hampton Roads almost 18 years ago to raise his family – Kevin considers himself a true Virginian. He and his wife of 20+ years have raised there three children on the Peninsula, living in both Newport News and York County. Kevin has a passion for the civil engineering industry, the clients and projects he serves, and his family.
Engineer of the Month Questionnaire
Question 1. What do you consider your major achievements in civil engineering in our Section area?
Kevin has had the honor to be involved in some very memorable and important projects throughout the state and region over the last 20 years. Notable projects over his career have included:
- The National 9/11 Pentagon Memorial: Kevin served as the civil design engineer for the September 11th Pentagon Memorial project; memorializing the 184 lives that were lost both within the Pentagon and American Airlines Flight 77.
- Air Force Privatized Housing: As part of the Barksdale/Bolling/Langley Family Housing, Kevin served as the project manager for the due diligence, design, and construction phases of the privatized housing, which included on-base and off-base housing at both Langley Air Force Base and Bolling Air Force bases.
- NASA Newtown Phases I & II: Kevin served as the civil project manager for two design-build projects at NASA Langley Research Center as part of the Newtown development. The projects included the Administrative Office Building (a USGBC LEED NC Platinum Certified Building) and the Integrated Engineering Science Building (a USGBC LEED NC Gold Certified Building).
- Virginia Capital Trail New Market Heights Phase and Varina Phase: Kevin served as Project Manager during the design and construction of these two phases of the Capital Trail, comprising nearly 19-miles of multi-use trail, including seven timber bridges and one steel girder bridge, that meandered along the culturally and historically rich Route 5 in Henrico and Charles City Counties.
- Jefferson Avenue Streetscape and Improvements – Phases I & II, City of Newport News. These projects have served as the backbone for the revitalization of the Southeast Community of Newport News, stretching 24 blocks of Jefferson Avenue from 12th-26th Streets. Kevin was the Project Manager during design and construction for these projects which included streetscaping, utility undergrounding and improvements, roadway reconstruction, and pedestrian improvements for the community.
Question 2. Why did you decide on a career in civil engineering?
As a child, I can remember spending countless hours laying out roadways with my chalk and a plywood board so I could drive matchbox cars around, figuring out the best way for my cars to navigate the board. The intrigue I have had for designing and building infrastructure has been with me my whole life. With a passion for math and science as a high school student – it only seemed natural that the world of civil engineering was right for me; and I have never looked back.
Question 3. Provide some career guidance for young civil engineers.
Do not look at your career as a destination, but rather a journey to continually develop your knowledge, technical capabilities, leadership skills, and broaden your experiences. Be inquisitive, drive yourself, ask questions, dig for answers, desire to learn, serve others, and be a leader – these are the characteristics that will lead you to a successful and fulfilling profession.
Question 4. What do you consider the major challenge to a career in civil engineering?
One of the biggest challenges that I see to the civil engineering profession is the industry continuing to value it as a profession and not a commodity. Our mission as civil engineers is to provide the solutions necessary to continue to develop, protect, and sustain our ever changing built environment; and help our communities overcome the challenges of doing so. In order to continue to do this with the best and brightest minds that are inspired to provide these solutions – we need to value and protect civil engineering as a society of professionals, not erode it as a commodity that can be bid, traded, and sold.
Question 5. Tell us about your volunteer activities. What is the motivating factor for volunteering? How has being a volunteer enriched your professional career?
Volunteering, whether through industry related organizations or through community/civic organizations, not only provides me a chance to serve others, but also to better myself through new experiences, personal interactions, and leadership opportunities. I have been involved in the leadership of the VA Peninsula Branch of ASCE since 2007, serving as secretary, vice president, and president. I have been involved with the APWA Mid-Atlantic Chapter Activities Committee since 2016 – working with my public works colleagues to organize and develop programs to enhance the public works community. I have also had the privilege of serving through multiple civic, church, and youth sports organizations over the years – giving back to my community and hoping to enhance the lives and opportunities of others.