Hello ASCE members, just a quick reminder about the opportunity to help “beautify” a historical ASCE Landmark: the Fink Truss Bridge in Riverside Park in Lynchburg. We have two missions:
1. Primarily, cut as much bamboo as we can on the east side of the bridge. Most of the cut bamboo needs to be hauled up the hill to the park road and laid next to the road, parallel to the road to the extent possible. A small amount of the bamboo should be put into the gulley to the left of the trail about 100 feet downstream of the bridge. I can point out these locations when we get there.
2. A smaller task is to shovel leaves off the steps on the embankment to the left of the bridge. The City of Lynchburg will provide some loppers, gloves, and a shovel. Anyone who also has gloves or loppers can bring their own also.
The game plan is to meet and work from 9 am – 1 pm. We can have some pastries, coffee, juice available in the morning. Then, have some pizza and drinks available in the afternoon. Here’s a website with more information:https://historicbridges.org/bridges/browser/?bridgebrowser=virginia/fink/
The coordinates are: 37.440040,-79.165570 You can park by the tennis courts, then walk a couple hundred yards down the hill and past the train exhibit to the Fink Truss Bridge. Please let John Vadnal know if you are interested by Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021 so we can have a headcount of who is coming. You can contact John at jvadnal@liberty.edu. Thanks so much. I look forward to seeing you there!